Sermons, The Minor Twelve Austin W. Duncan Sermons, The Minor Twelve Austin W. Duncan


Don't let the enemy tell you that God could never love you. Don't let him tell you that "this is the time you've messed up too much. You could never come back from that." Don't let him tell you that "Because of all these things you've done, God's never going to forgive you," "You're broken. You're just trash."

Because God recycles. He transforms lives. He restores. He rejoices for the redeemed lives by the blood of Jesus Christ.

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Sermons, Stand-Alone Sermons Austin W. Duncan Sermons, Stand-Alone Sermons Austin W. Duncan

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

In this present darkness we see in our world, it is far better to be a light, that others may be shown the way. And the wonderful, awe-inspiring thing is that it's not through our own strength that we be a light in a dark world, but through the strength of Christ. It can be so easy for us to look at Peter and think, "I would never deny Him three times like he did right in front of Jesus." But instead, what an incredible example and admirable trait to be able to say when Jesus asks, "do you love me?" to be able to say, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." 

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Sermons, Here Are Your Idols Austin W. Duncan Sermons, Here Are Your Idols Austin W. Duncan

The Climb to the Top

God doesn't want our successes. He wants us. Your existence doesn't have to be justified by your accomplishments. Your significance, your value has already been proven and paid for by God, who gave His one and only son so that you may have eternal life. So that you can have the life that He paid for. Free of charge.

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Sermons, The Desert Rose Austin W. Duncan Sermons, The Desert Rose Austin W. Duncan

Enough is Enough

What a marvelous joy it is to know the one and only God of Israel. The same God that heard and answered Elijah's prayers, the same God that brought the rain, is the same God that is with us today. What a marvelous joy the foundation before us upon which we can rebuild the altars in our heart, that He is with us every step of the way. When we find ourselves between two opinions, He's with us. If we stumble and find ourselves turned toward the way of the world, He's with us. When we turn toward Him and serve Him, He's with us.

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Sermons, Stand-Alone Sermons Austin W. Duncan Sermons, Stand-Alone Sermons Austin W. Duncan

The Road to Redemption

In this present darkness we see in our world, it is far better to be a light, that others may be shown the way. And the wonderful, awe-inspiring thing is that it's not through our own strength that we be a light in a dark world, but through the strength of Christ. It can be so easy for us to look at Peter and think, "I would never deny Him three times like he did right in front of Jesus." But instead, what an incredible example and admirable trait to be able to say when Jesus asks, "do you love me?" to be able to say, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." 

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Sermons, Seasons Austin W. Duncan Sermons, Seasons Austin W. Duncan

The Wonder of Summer

In this present darkness we see in our world, it is far better to be a light, that others may be shown the way. And the wonderful, awe-inspiring thing is that it's not through our own strength that we be a light in a dark world, but through the strength of Christ. It can be so easy for us to look at Peter and think, "I would never deny Him three times like he did right in front of Jesus." But instead, what an incredible example and admirable trait to be able to say when Jesus asks, "do you love me?" to be able to say, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." 

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Sermons, Holidays Austin W. Duncan Sermons, Holidays Austin W. Duncan

The Secret of Christmas

In this present darkness we see in our world, it is far better to be a light, that others may be shown the way. And the wonderful, awe-inspiring thing is that it's not through our own strength that we be a light in a dark world, but through the strength of Christ. It can be so easy for us to look at Peter and think, "I would never deny Him three times like he did right in front of Jesus." But instead, what an incredible example and admirable trait to be able to say when Jesus asks, "do you love me?" to be able to say, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." 

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Sermons Austin W. Duncan Sermons Austin W. Duncan

Overcoming the Thieves of Joy

We all have a magnificent opportunity to have the God of peace in our lives. And it’s through the peace of God that our hearts and minds are guarded from anxiety and worry.

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Sermons Austin W. Duncan Sermons Austin W. Duncan

Joy In Perspective

Jesus is the Vine, we are the branches. The Father the Gardener, the vinedresser. Everything God does is to enhance our abiding and fruitfulness. With each trimming, we become more like Christ, for God’s glory and for the blessing of others. For the blessing of the world around us.

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Sermons Austin W. Duncan Sermons Austin W. Duncan

Living in the Vine

Learn how pruning is essential for a fruitful Christian life in John 15:1-11 as Pastor Austin W. Duncan explains the significance of Jesus as the true vine and the importance of abiding in Him for spiritual growth and fruitfulness.

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Sermons Austin W. Duncan Sermons Austin W. Duncan

The Church of the Open Door

However much you may feel trapped by your circumstances, and despite our weakness, what matters is the sovereignty of Jesus, and that we can rest in the strength of our savior. What matters is the one who can ‘open doors.’ Particularly, that door that really matters. The door which leads into a place of peace, security and salvation in God’s presence.

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Sermons Austin W. Duncan Sermons Austin W. Duncan

The Message and the Messenger

Discover the importance of faithfulness and humility in Christian ministry through Pastor Austin W. Duncan's exploration of 1 Corinthians 4. Learn how to apply these principles in your life.

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